Labels:daily | earth | fence | reckoner | road | sky OCR: Church Yetumn xpun the - the Earl agreat fleet was fitted cut EM d placet t with it to engade EM Pen brCRe "Plenty MCM e ards fell upen this expedition Rochelle Poitou but the Span clergy. thexe the plun dered and annihilated it. Evidently. said + attempted to tale CUY another money and wh the King with fou EM d could nct favorable wind until fleet. to reatere thei kroeen fortunes ofthe Church agreed that poa. was CM thewas too late the superstitiou s side of the Fren ch 3evie3 at the MC eMt The isthat the county been Huraing their high est h opes. The and his Liends must ed him to retum +- Endlend after illuess the Prince Wales had 78. SB tuning, 1e Lim oges. The tide vaMicus iliating deteata Duze - Lancastex the English 1369 and three Litted Roch elle plunt lered annih ilated rher Kins f ...